viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

PROGRAMA #192 (19/06/2014)


BOB MOULD (Beauty & Ruin, 2014)
"Little Glass Pill"
"Kid with the Crooked Face"
"I Don't Know You Anymore"

RICH ROBINSON (The Ceaseless Sight, 2014)
"I Know You"
"Down the Road"

THE HOLLYWOOD STARS (Shine like a Radio: the Great Lost 1974 Album)
"Supermen are always Gentlemen"
"King of the Night Time World"

THE REIGNING SOUND (Shattered, 2014)
"North Cackalacky Girl"
"You Did Wrong"
"Once More"
"My, My"

LOS BENGALA (maqueta, 2014)
"No hay amor sin dolor"

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