viernes, 26 de junio de 2015

PROGRAMA #237 (25/06/2015)

ESPECIAL KISS (III): 1980-1982

"Dirty Livin'" (Dynasty, 1979)
"Is that You" (Unmasked, 1980)
"Shandi" (Unmasked, 1980)
"Talk to me" (Unmasked, 1980)
"Tomorrow" (Unmasked, 1980)
"The Oath" (Music from The Elder, 1981)
"Dark Light" (Music from The Elder, 1981)
"World Without Heroes" (Music from The Elder, 1981)
"Down in your Knees" (Killers, 1982)
"I'm a Legent Tonight" (Killers, 1982)
"Partners in Crime" (Killers, 1982)
"Nowhere to Run" (Killers, 1982)
"Creatures of the Night" (s/t, 1982)
"Killers" (Creatures of the Night, 1982)
"I love it loud" (Creatures of the Night, 1982)

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