viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016

PROGRAMA #261 (11/02/2016)


NIGHT BEATS “No Cops” (Who Sold My Generation, 2016)
NIGHT BEATS “Celebration #1” (Who Sold My Generation, 2016)
TY SEGALL “Squealer” (Emotional Mugger, 2016)
TY SEGALL “Diversion” (Equals)(Emotional Mugger, 2016)
SUEDE “Like Kids” (Night Thoughs, 2016)
SUEDE “No Tomorrow” (Night Thoughs, 2016)
PRIMAL SCREAM “Where the light gets in” (Chaosmosis, 2016)
MILK'N'COOKIES "Tinkertoy Tomorrow" (Milk 'n' Cookies, 2016)
MILK'N'COOKIES "Wok N'Woll" (Milk 'n' Cookies, 2016)
THE FIRE TORNADOS "All I Wanna Do" (Patience, 2015)
TOMACCOS “Ugly Pretty Things”
EL REGALO DE SILVIA "Cuando tenga 18" (Nostalgia, 2016)

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